Last Sunday Phil, Ben and Gary had a dive in the "blue lagoon Arlesey".
The dive itself was pretty uneventful with poor vis, being only about 3-4 mts . This was due chiefly by all the rain we have had and also by a couple of other clubs at the site.
North Herts sac have the lease to the lake but they sub let it to Mid herts sac and Stevenage SAA .Unfortunately we chose the weekend when both clubs were doing OW Training.
Water temp was 10 degrees and we had a 50min dive. Max depth was about 11mts, slightly low water level because of the drought. Its pretty easy to find your way around due to lines being laid to most of the features in the lake which include several small boats, cars, a cabin cruiser as well as the huts and quarrying equipment. It also has training platforms at 6 and 10 mts.
The lake is home to some very big fish including a big catfish that lives under the cabin cruiser but they were elusive today. This time of the year the big fish tend to lay up in the margins but in the summer the two huts act as a protective reef to the thousands of small fry and so the big predatory fish tend to hang around them. The lake is situated in the village of Arlesey close to Baldock, 35min up the A1, though no facilities at the site it makes a good alternative from Wraysbury but you have to be out of water by 930 due to the sailing club and they limit visiting divers to 4 . In the summer north herts often have their club nights at the site with a dive and BBQ. Anyone who fancies different site and wants to dive the lake let me (Gary C) know and I’ll tell you who to contact.