Next up were Paula and Caz, Paula only just managing to dive as she had managed to forget her regs! But Alex E loaned his and all was well. Both divers reappeared after about 25 min grinning from ear to ear. They had found Nessie and Paula had decided to try riding him-not a good idea with a semi-extinct sea monster. Still she came back so Nessie must have been in a good mood.
The surface interval passed quickly, all divers availing themselves of the excellent cuisine at Stoney Cove (burger and chips tea and hot chocolate), as well as the excellent facilities at the Stoney Cove shop.
First dive of the afternoon was Wayne and Paula, Wayne sporting a brand-new pair of 5 mm gloves, with a plot in off the bus stop, a quick whizz around the Viscount, a bimbo over to the Nautilus, and then the find of the day Nessie was hiding from the cold in the arches under the pub.
Caz and Alex E finished off the diving day visiting the Viscount and the Nautilus.An excellent day was had by all. Winter diving is not as cold as you think, and with excellent viz (10M) and plent of space to park, it was a great day.